
Periodically, I have collected my research into extensive reports on a particular subject.  These reports include an historical perspective, a current status and a strategic view of the future prospects for the products and services and the companies involved in the sector.  The background information describes the key events that have led to the state of the industry under study.
The very first article I published as the principal and sole author was my Master of Urban Planning Thesis, Simulation of alternative educational strategies. It was accepted for publication in the British journal, Town Planning Review.  I had been listed as a co-author in 1972 on a paper written for another British journal, Regional Studies, that described a research investigation that used the same computer simulation model for a retail location analysis that I used for my school location study.  Having an article accepted for publishing was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, and one that I would continue to try to repeat as often as possible throughout my career.


Safe Operation of Large Vehicles through Map-based ADAS. Everyone benefits from improved safety and fuel efficiency for large commercial vehicles. In Europe, Heavy Commercial Vehicles are classified as those over 16 tonnes. Over 40,000 people are killed on European roads each year, and around 10% of those deaths involve heavy truck accidents. Safe Operation of Large Vehicles through Map-based ADAS

Beating Traffic

Traffic congestion: Whose fault is it anyway?


A Telematics View of Europe published in Telematics Update Newsletter
What is an appropriate view of Europe from a telematics perspective?
What are the issues that need to be considered when developing a pan-European telematics strategy for the next decade in this still new century?
Give Commuting A Rest

“If you lived here, you would be home now.”
Commuting is about making tradeoffs. You can decide where to live, shop, recreate and where to send your children to school, but deciding where and when to work may be difficult or impossible, and work-related traffic congestion is what gives us the most headaches. To give commuting a rest, we need to develop a strategy that will make commuting more bearable. A simple and effective way to do this is to change route, mode and time of travel, and to do it on a continuous basis.

If Not Tolls What

Road tolls are not a new idea. In earlier times, kings and local lords taxed their subjects to travel on their roads and across their bridges. Later, it was a building society or corporation that incurred the debt to pay for the road or bridge. Today, it is governments who take for themselves the privilege of imposing economic restrictions on movement to achieve a variety of goals, such as to channel that movement into collective forms of transportation.

Incentives Rather Than Congestion Charging

Separate Transportation and Recreation

Shop Locally


What does it really take to be one?
There is view that I have encountered among automotive OEMs that call center service delivery to vehicles equipped with telematics systems is extremely complex and difficult to master. The incumbents who are delivering vehicle-centric call center services today to systems like BMW Assist, Volvo On Call or OnStar have had a strong incentive to convince their OEM customers that the specific services they have developed for each of them are so specialized that only they are uniquely qualified to offer these services, and that switching to another call center service provider is not only unwise, but unthinkable. OEMs that have not yet initiated telematics services cite as reasons for delaying system introductions the lack of choice of call centers, due to high barriers to entry, and high switching costs.


There are indications today that digital map data used for in-vehicle ADAS applications will be supplied by current navigable map data providers,
and that the data will be delivered to system integrators in a form consistent with the structure of navigation systems.

TwoSided Network



Computer Mapping for Publication, an article in Computer Graphics World 7 1983.


Back to CAMP – Advances in computer-aided map publishing drive new industry.
An article I wrote for the Computer Graphics World 1988 March issue.


Seeing Double – Integrating Raster and Vector technologies.


Maps that Move – In-vechicle navigation systems: Neat, but is there a need? Computer Graphics World Sept 1989.


Data Deluge – Advances in PC-based mass storage devices respond to problems of distribution and storage of large databases. Article in Computer Graphics World August 1990.


A digital chart of the world – Setting a standard for geographic information systems. Computer Graphics World Dec 1990.


Computer aided dispatching – Digital maps aid emergency response and fleet management. Computer Graphics World May 1990



The Mapmaker”s Medium – Optical disk technology holds its own in mapping and GIS applications. Computer Graphics World September 1990.


Map Publishing – Enhanced electronic map publishing systems offer mapmakers new options for producing maps. Computer Graphics World August 1991.


A Time For Action – The government must enforce guidelines that protect buyers of digital spatial data. Computer Graphics World may 1992.


Matrix Compilations Oct 1988.
In the period before the Internet, on-line newsletters and blogs, I wrote and distributed a newsletter in paper form.  I called it Matrix Compilations.  My company name until 1992 was Matrix Consultants, and the information contained in the newsletter focused principally on geogrphic information, printed and digital maps and developments in the digital mapping industry.





This is an article published in Town Planning Review, April 1976.  It is work based on my Master of Architecture and Urban Planning thesis work.


The development of smart cars and smart highways calls for the integration of highly accurate digital road maps with on-board computers and displays. Digital Map Technology from Volvo Technology Report 2, 1994.
Digital Map Technology from Volvo Technology Report 2, 1994.